Farmers in Zambia work together with COMECO to grow ground nuts to be used in the production of Peanut Butter. Previously many of them were poachers who hunted to sustain their families, but they remained impoverished. Coordinating with COMECO has allowed them new ability to generate wealth and also stop poaching. This dual action interventionby COMECO is changing farming life in this region of Zambia.

Anne is a coordinator and farmer with one acre in Kenya. The organisation does research into the best crops to plant on certain regions and at certain times of year and they pass that knowledge with the correct seedlings and fertilizers to the farmers. this allows smarter farming to increase yeilds for the farmers.

The grandmother of Joe who was orphaned when his parents died. She has taken care of him and put him through school by providing the stocks for Afrimac.

John the son of Mamma Anne looks at the view from their porch. Anne is a coordinator and farmer with one acre in Kenya. The organisation does research into the best crops to plant on certain regions and at certain times of year and they pass that knowledge with the correct seedlings and fertilizers to the farmers. this allows smarter farming to increase yeilds for the farmers.

A mother and daughter work to extract water to help irrigate their crops. Several years ago, she invested in a water pump supplied by KickStarter and that allowed the family to increase the size of their harvest more then ten fold. The family at the time was poor and in bad health and none of their children went to school. Now they have 10 acres under management, they own 15 cows and they send their children to boarding school. The pump has been instrumental in their changing lives.

A mother prepares food for her family on a farm supported by Afrimac.

Joe works on the farm before school to feed the livestock. He lives here with his grandmother after his parents died.

Farmers in Zambia work together with COMECO to grow ground nuts to be used in the production of Peanut Butter. Previously many of them were poachers who hunted to sustain their families, but they remained impoverished. Coordinating with COMECO has allowed them new ability to generate wealth and also stop poaching. This dual action interventionby COMECO is changing farming life in this region of Zambia.

Children play in the evening at the farm. Anne is a coordinator and farmer with one acre in kenya. The organisation does research into the best crops to plant on certain regions and at cvertain times of year and they pass that knowledge with the correct seedlings and fertilizers to the farmers. this allows smarter farming to increase yeilds for the farmers.

His Royal Highness the Honorable Cheif Nyalugwe is a coordinator for the farmers. Farmers in Zambia work together with COMECO to grow ground nuts to be used in the production of Peanut Butter. Previously many of them were poachers who hunted to sustain their families, but they remained impoverished. Coordinating with COMECO has allowed them new ability to generate wealth and also stop poaching. This dual action interventionby COMECO is changing farming life in this region of Zambia.

Afrimac is a Macadamia nut factory on the outskirts of Nairobi. It receives funds from Root Capital to buy the nuts it needs from the farmers at the start of the season thus guaranteeing the supply and guaranteeing the livelihood of thousands of farmers. This working capital has transformed the lives of farmers in addition to allowing the factory to expand and hire more workers. It is the financing of this - missing middle, as root capital calls them, that is the key to developing nations success.

A young student waits for her brother on her farm so they can walk to school together. The funds the family make supplying Afrimac allow them to support their families.

Farmers taking a break and playing Soccer. Farmers in Zambia work together with COMECO to grow ground nuts to be used in the production of Peanut Butter. Previously many of them were poachers who hunted to sustain their families, but they remained impoverished. Coordinating with COMECO has allowed them new ability to generate wealth and also stop poaching. This dual action interventionby COMECO is changing farming life in this region of Zambia.