Mount Meru Kilimanjaro and Jane a survivor of FGM

Kwangu Ihela at school in Idukilo primary school. She was expelled when they found out she was pregnant. She lost the baby at 7 months.
N forced into marriage at 10 years old, now 12. "One day I heard from my grandmother that they wanted to cut me and send me to my husband. I was staying with my grandmother from my mother’s side, then one day they called me and told me, “get prepared you are going to be mutilated and taken to your husband, no more school for you.” I was in standard 2. I cried and ran away to my teacher. My teacher told me to remain with her and she would go call my grandmother and others to come and discuss the issue.
Daily routine at home with Regina Sumaya a victim of child marriage
Therezia Hendry was married at 11 and fled her marriage after her husband found another woman
Genoveva Edward a victim of child marriage, fled after her husband started beating her. He later died and now she lives back with her mother. Her father forced her into marriage but he also passed away.
Agape Knowledge and Training Centre (AKTC) and Rehema Juma at that centre. She was found to be pregnant and expelled from school.
Daily routine at home with Regina Sumaya a victim of child marriage
Taking Naomi Home for two weeks meeting Massai parents and family. Her family were trying to make her marry when she was 11 so the local leaders took her to a boarding school, away from her family. She can visit in the holidays.
Simanjiro, Tanzania, an area where Child Marriage and FGM is very common. The remoteness of the communities makes it very difficult to monitor the issues.
Portraits of Masai leaders who are committed to stopping FGM and child marriage in their community.