Valantine Mbolibirani 15 years old (she was 13 when she was abducted) was abducted in July 2009 for 7 months. She was taken directly to Kony and forced to be one of his many wives. She was accused of being a sorcerer and was going to be tried by Kony. She escaped the day before the trial after saving the life on one woman by hiding her from the LRA. She lay naked in a field for 2 days and nights hiding from her attackers as they searched for her. When they left she came out of the bush and found a 2 year old boy crying for his mother who had been abducted. She picked him up and walked naked to the nearest village in search of help.

Abandoned homes on the outskirts of Dakwa, North Eastern Congo. People have fled due to recent activity and abductions and killings by the Lords Resistance Army.

Artimis Levis 19 years old was abducted in March 2008 and was made to be a porter. He received military training and was with both Kony and Ngwen and Dominic in DRC. He escaped after an attack and was shipped to Dungu then Kinshasa and then hope to CAR.
Abandoned homes on the outskirts of Ango, North Eastern Congo. People have fled due to recent activity and abductions and killings by the Lords Resistance Army.

Felicite Mboligassie 26 years old with 3 children. She was abducted and made the wife of Odyambo. She was beaten regularly.

Abandoned homes on the outskirts of Obo Eastern Central African Republic People have fled due to recent activity and abductions and killings by the Lords Resistance Army.

Abandoned homes on the outskirts of Obo Eastern Central African Republic People have fled due to recent activity and abductions and killings by the Lords Resistance Army.

Ted Mamumangi 14. He was taken to Garamba and spent one year and 4 months training to be a soldier. He escaped when the UPDF attacked and shot his guard.

Abandoned homes on the outskirts of Obo Eastern Central African Republic People have fled due to recent activity and abductions and killings by the Lords Resistance Army.
Daniel Kpakana 14 years old was taken at PK12 in January 2010. He was with the LRA for 3 months and escaped after an attack on the FARDC. His commander was Dix Metre.

Abandoned homes on the outskirts of Obo Eastern Central African Republic People have fled due to recent activity and abductions and killings by the Lords Resistance Army.
Yoris Mihidie was shot by the LRA in August 2010 when he was transporting goods on a bike from market. He lives in Gimile north of Dungu.

Abandoned homes on the outskirts of Obo Eastern Central African Republic People have fled due to recent activity and abductions and killings by the Lords Resistance Army.
Mbonih Ndele Mari was abducted by the LRA outside Niangara she was left for dead by them after they cut off her lips and her ears. She in now in hospital in Niangara her children are being looked after by family close by.
Abandoned homes on the outskirts of Dakwa, North Eastern Congo. People have fled due to recent activity and abductions and killings by the Lords Resistance Army.
Olivier Mbolifuyhe – a 16 year old boy abducted in October 2009. He came out in may 2010 and then led the FARDC to the LRA base at Samungu which they attacked in early June 2010. He was forced to kill children on many occasions. He recounts now his violent nature and wants help to deal with his nightmares.

Abandoned homes on the outskirts of Obo Eastern Central African Republic People have fled due to recent activity and abductions and killings by the Lords Resistance Army.