Child Miners
A Muslim rebel stands guard as men and boys dig for gold at a mine near Bambari. The rebels claim a share for “security.” Gold is plentiful in the Central African Republic, but corruption and political instability have kept the profits from benefiting the people.

Khadidja Alhadji Adbou, a 30-year-old Mboro woman, witnessed anti-balaka forces shooting and killing her husband and three children. In the same attack, she was shot in the neck but survived.
People displaced by the fighting between ex-Seleka and anti-balaka forces find shelter in an old factory on the grounds of the Catholic church in Bossangoa.
Anti Balaka on the road out of Bossangoa after attacks on the town.
A mother protects her child from gunfire as displaced seek shelter in the compound of the African Union troops in Bossangoa as Anti Balaka and Seleka forces attack the town.
Leonie Remonan is brought into the African Union compound with a gunshot wound. She has been in the bush more many days and the wound has gone septic. Fighting outside the compound means it is too dangerous to cross the road to the hospital.
Machete are confiscated by Congolese African Union troops as the displaced enter the compound. The machete is the weapon of choice for many.
A child soldier in the Seleka forces in Bossangoa.
Blood stains in the Muslim quarter after the massacre which killed a reported 11 people in front and around the Imam residence.
Machete collected by African Union troops in the disarmament process.
Displaced wait on the road to Lere for MSF to arrive with supplies.
An abandoned Seleka position on the outskirts of Bossangoa. It was left when anti balaka forces started to attack the town.
Yousufa, 11 is severely malnourished. He has been trapped in the enclave of Yaloke as politicians and the UN debate the evacuation of the group of 467 Peuhl who are trapped here. In the meantime, they are receiving poor aid and assistance. 10% of their number have died in the past months.

Civilians aligning with the views of the Anti Balaka attack Muslim property in PK 13 (a district of Bangui) on the outskirts of Bangui after the Muslim Seleka government fell and the Muslims in the area have fled. The non Muslim community is taking revenge for the months of harsh Muslim Seleka rule, trying to destroy and loot everything in the Muslim districts. There are very few Muslims left in Bangui and even fewer in the outlying towns northwest of Bangui as the remaining population target all Muslim communities, killing, burning and looting.

The body of Nana Abdul Karim 34, father of 8 children, is carried back to his home for burial. He was shot, by French soldiers, while buying breakfast for his children. They reported he was demonstrating and firing a weapon at them, but most people in this district have only bows and arrows. The community is being attacked by anti balaka and penned in by french soldiers, they are trying to flee for Chad but there are limited trucks and resources.

A market transporter is attacked by Muslims who are angered at the killing of one of their community and the injuring of another. They lynch the first non Muslim they can find. He escaped.

Seconds later he needs to run for his life. He escaped.

A member of the civilian population around PK13 (a district of Bangui) on the outskirts of Bangui. He is running through looted and burning homes of the Muslims who have fled after the Seleka President Michel Djotodia resigned and left the country in disarray. The country was ruled by a minority Muslim government after the coup in March 2013. After months of oppression by the Muslim Seleka Government the local population take out their anger and frustrations on the largely innocent Muslim population.

Civilians living close to the Seleka Camp Kasai celebrate as the Sleka fighters are moved out towards PK11 (a district of Bangui). They have been living with the shadow of Seleka abuses for over nine months.

A funeral of a young man 24 years old who died due to lack of access to medication. This is the real killer in these conflicts when the health structure falls apart and people can not access life saving treatment.

Diamond Mines
The Gold and diamond mine in Sosso-Nakombo, where people come to make their fortune. The Seleka often used to force miners to sell their diamonds at vastly reduced prices at gunpoint.
Berberati Prison
Inside the prison in Berberati where many Anti balaka who have been detained for theft, destruction of private property and murder are detained.
Berberati Mosque
The Central Mosque in Berberati, completely looted by gangs of Anti Balaka and non muslim residents of Berberati. It is one of two mosques out of twenty-one that remain standing.
Family Mining
Whole familes are panning for gold with the crushed rocks from the mine at the Ndassima Gold mine previously run by the Canadian Company AxMin. It was abandoned by them in 2012 when the Seleka came into the country. The Seleka immediately took control and started to mine. They take 15% of all gold mined in the region from local miners. 1300 miners work around this mine.
Peuhl displaced seek refuge inside a local school. They are being held here in an enclave controlled by the local Christian comminity leaders and they are slowly being starved. Many members of they community have already died from malnutrition.
Coming Home
Kadidja Mahamat and her grandaughters Alia Bakary, Sabou Mahamadra and Fane Salleh in the Muslim Quater of Boda. She and her family were forced to live in the mosque for 9 months during the conflict. The Christians lived in the church. While this was not areligious war, these communities were manipulated into acting along religious lines. Both Communities are now living back at home and in peace, this is one of the few towns in CAR where this is happening.

The Mayor of PK12 district of Bangui, Begoua, Jean Emmanual Gazangwenza in his Office.

Peuhl Family
Djibrine Ali and Aicha Amadou a Peuhl deisplaced In PK 5 the muslim district which as maintained a steady level of violence since the conflict. Many Christian families have still not returned here.

Pink Room
Gueden Edwige and her daughter at home in Boda. They had to live for 9 months in the church during the conflict. They are now living at home and happily with Muslim neighbours.

Elephants in the national park Dzanga Sangha in CAR - During the conflict 26 Elephants were killed by sudanese Seleka rebels.
Gorilla Families in the The national park Dzanga Sangha in CAR Many of them have been targeted by rebels for their bush meat.

Anti Balaka fighters in their base near the airport they talk of all Muslims needing to leave the country and wanting to clean their country of those who don’t love their country.
Seleka fighters at a checkpoint on the road out of Bossangoa. They regularly rob local residents who have to cross the checkpoint on their return into town after searching for food in the countryside.
The dance of the Ba-aka in one of their villages in the national park in the dzanga sangha national park.

River Sangha
The River Sangha in the Dzanga Sangha national park. It is the refuge for Gorilla and Elephant. 27 Elephant were killed during the conflict by Seleka fighters.

Rwandan Troops patrol the streets of Bangui during the curfew.

The mother of Eliam Fedongare 24, greets him and celebrates as he arrives home wirth his father Jean de Dieux. They were abducted in their farm by Seleka as they fled Bangui to carry their belongings for them. They were forced marched through the bush for 9 days and 4 of the others who were taken were shot and killed when they became too tired to continue. They escaped during an attack on a local village.

Eliam Fedongare recounts his story of escape to family members.

Body parts on the road after a lynching by Central African soldiers. After they were addressed by the president about a return to peace in the country. They then went out and lynched a suspected Muslim Seleka fighter. They killed and then burned him.

Muslims flee the town of Bangui together with Chadian special forces. Over 10,000 Muslims leave the city for Chad on a huge convoy as the population is forced out of the country by the population of CAR.

Anti Balaka on the road to Boda. They are going there to attack the Muslim residents who remain there. Previous the Muslims were protected by the Seleka but they fled leaving the civilians to their fate. Over 40 Muslims have been killed in the town in 5 days and nearly 50 Christians.

A resident of Bangui lies dead after being shot by Rwandan soldiers. He had just killed a Muslim trader and then tried to burn the body. It was a revenge attack after his cousin was killed by Muslims earlier in the day.

The sister of Vanessa mourns for her after she was shot by Muslims close to her home in Kilo 5 (a district of Bangui). Five people were killed overnight and just after this photograph was taken, her cousin was killed by Rwandan soldiers as he was killing a Muslim in a revenge attack.